do you like kids Suede《Like Kids》歌词

  Like Kids - Suede

  Oh through the red lights the amber

  The silent mannequins

  The crumpled mothers in their seats

  Pull into morning through the stations

  The smell of chemicals

  Do I want you because you're out of reach

  Oh it's all there for us

  Oh it belongs to us

  Oh and there's nothing we can't reach

  Oh it holds it all in our fist

  Like kids like savages

  And we'll run in the playground if you'll just stay with me

  Oh through the red lights the amber

  I steal a look at you

  Behind the wheel of another car

  Oh and nothing matters but this moment

  I conjure the imagery

  Of a different life another path

  Oh it's all there for us

  Oh it belongs to us

  Oh and there's nothing we can't reach

do you like kids Suede《Like Kids》歌词

  Oh it holds it all in our fist

  Like kids like savages

  And we'll run in the playground if you'll just stay with me

  Oh it's all there for us

  Oh it belongs to us

  Oh and there's nothing we can't reach

  Oh it holds it in our pretty fist

  Like kids like savages

  And we'll run in the playground if you'll just stay with me





  在英国,Suede仍被认为是继Roxy Music和The Smiths之后最伟大的乐队之一。Suede这支著名的来自英国伦敦的乐队由主唱Brett Anderson、吉他手Richard Oakes(第一任吉他手是Bernard Butler,94年离队)、贝斯手Mat Osman、鼓手Simon Gilbert及键盘乐器手Neil Codling所组成。乐队成立至今已有24年历史,Suede从刚成立时倍受怀疑发展至现在成为大不列颠最受欢迎的乐队之一。2013年开展了新一轮巡演。


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