
1.The first thing to realize in studying the English language is that it is primarily (起初) something that is spoken, not written.
2.The introduction of a system of recording thought and speech by writing (and later by printing)was a very important step forward, and without it we should be very largely ignorant (无知的) of the ways of life and the modes(方式) of thought of our ancestors.(祖先)
3..We should be completely shut off from the great minds of the past, and it would be quite impossible for us undertake such a study, since we should have no means of knowing anything about the language of the people who lived in this country five hundred or a thousand years ago, and still leshould we be in a position to relate that language to the tongues spoken in other countries.
4.The only means we have of knowing the kind of language used by Julius Caesar or by King Alfred the Great-the words they employed and the grammar of their speech—is by studying such written documents as have survived: and in the main that will be the method employed by future generations when they wish to investigate(调查) the language of our own age. 5.Now because of this necessity of relying on written documents for learning about language, and because reading and writing have come to occupy so large a place in our daily lives, there has grown up a tendency to think of language in terms of the written or printed word. 6.But printing and writing are only substitutes(代替) for speech. In its primary sense language, as its name implies, is oral.
7.Printing and writing have certainly had an influence on the development of language—usually displaying a conservative tendency,(趋势) opposed to too rapid change or innovation;(创新) but in the last resort (求助)what is written is determined by what is said.
8.Secondly we must realize that in language change is constantly going on.
9. language has now become more or lefixed and set, so that the English, the French and the German of today will be the English, the French and the German of two centuries hence.
10.In the third place, it should be realized that speech or language is the distinguishing(有区别的) characteristic (特性)of man as such, and is one of the chief attributes(特征) which differentiate him from the other animal species(种类).
唯美人生哲理句子励志人的经典句子经典唯美励志的英文句子幽默哲理句子关于读书的名人名言《黄鹤楼送孟浩然之广陵》的诗意Troye Sivan(特洛耶·希文)《BLUE》歌词