护士应聘简历模板 护士应聘英文简历

护士应聘简历模板 护士应聘英文简历

Personal Resume

Basic information

Name:   Li Lanlan            Gender: Girl

Date of birth:   1988/09/10

National:   Han             Place of birth:  Hunan

the educational background: Tertiary Marital status: Unmarried

Job intentions And Work experience

Talent type: Ordinary job Job type: Full-time

Candidates Jobs: Nurse

Work experience: Conducted a short-term internship in hospital during the vacation.

Done hospital volunteer obligations

The ability to work And Other special skills

Computer level: Skilled

Language ability: Mandarin Fluent、English level good

Hobbies: Reading and some general outdoor sports

Others: While studying at the school,I have acquired psychologist Certificate III and CET4 and CET6 certificates.


Quality: Have a strong sense of responsibility;Treat People sincerely、Modesty、Self-discipline、Confidence;Have rich creativity,Positive,Have a strong team spirit and dedication spirit

Work: Practical、Prudent, responsible, cautious, and have strong organizational management and coordination capacity, adaptability, learning, and to accept new things quickly, have a strong desire to succeed

Living: From an early age developed a thrifty, saving the life style, not afraid of bitter and tired,have the spirit of hard,have a good mental outlook, love life, love a wide range



爱华网本文地址 » http://www.aihuau.com/a/9945171/919728902.html


应聘文员的简历模板 文员简历模板

  文员简历模板个人基本简历姓  名:目前所在地:户口所在地:婚姻状况:未婚年龄:21 岁培训认证: 诚信徽章:求职意向及工作经历人才类型:普通求职 应聘职位:文秘/文员:文员、文秘/文员:文员、电子/邮电/通讯类:工作年限:3职称:无职称

应聘事业单位简历 事业单位个人简历模板

   事业单位个人简历模板  目前所在: 白云区 年  龄: 26  户口所在: 海南 国  籍: 中国  婚姻状况: 未婚 民  族: 汉族  培训认证: 未参加 身  高: 170 cm  诚信徽章: 未申请 体  重: 65 kg  人才测评: 未

应聘审计助理的简历 审计助理简历模板

   审计助理简历模板  ◆ 基本信息  姓  名: 罗XX 性  别:  目前所在: 海珠区 年  龄: 23  户口所在: 梅州 国  籍: 中国  婚姻状况: 未婚 民  族: 汉族  诚信徽章: 未申请 身  高: 158 cm  人才测

应聘简历模板 高管应聘简历模板_有关高管的应聘简历

应聘简历是高管个人求职者的引玉之砖,在高管求职者的求职中发挥着重大的影响。以下是小编要与大家分享的高管应聘简历模板,供大家参考!高管应聘简历模板(一)xx目前所在: 江苏年 龄: 23户口所在: 江苏国 籍: 中国婚姻状况: 未婚民

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