快速提高英语口语的书 英语口语怎么快速提高?

背景:TOEFL iBT110,口语26。(截图如下)虽然说不上什么大神分数,但对于短时间提升应试或许有所帮助~
以托福考试为例,很多考生在独立部分(考生需要对一个生活类话题做出回应,15s准备,45s回答)TASK 1和TASK 2拿fair甚至limited,究其原因就是不知道说啥。想想也是呢,考试的时候突然被丢给这么一个话题就让你用另一种语言说45s逻辑清晰用词准确的观点,貌似挑战性很大。但是,如果在考试前我们建立一个语料库,考试时我们直接从语料库抽取相关内容组合来答题,还会很难吗?



我们来举个例子看看一个优质的段子怎么用。每个考过托福的同学都知道Describe the city you live in这个题。遇到外国友人的时候,介绍一下自己的家乡或者居住地有啥特色也是非常常见的对话内容。那么我们就来说说这个话题。

Beijing, China’s capital city, is a vibrant mix of history and modernity.

One of the major attractions in Beijing are the zigzagging hutongs, an integral part of Beijing’s local culture. Hutongs are actually small public alleys with private courtyard residences. Hutongs are like folk-custom museums, presenting a window into a traditional way of life intertwined with the old architectures and a maze of narrow streets.

The diversity and vitality of the city has also endowed Beijing with a varied and colorful night life. Lots of people choose to relax themselves in the bars. The numerous shows and performances, including Peking Opera and acrobatics, are attractive to lovers of live entertainment.

首先,这个段子的质量绝对是很棒的,语言足以秒杀一众I live in XXX的回答(怎么保证语言质量一会再谈)。其次,你以为这个段子只能回答这一个话题么!倘若让你描述一下the best area of the city 或者 the area of your hometown you would reccommend to a tourist,这个段子不就又用上了吗?
再看一个有关travelling/moving/living in different places这类话题的例子:

I’d like to move around the world/ live in different places/ travel around world.

First, it’s a perfect way to meet new people and make new friends. Living in different places actually provides a platform on which I can extend my social network by socializing with people from distinct culture backgrounds. That would be fun and meaningful. For example, during my business trip to Germany last summer, I made friends with a bunch of locals and businessmen from European countries.

Moreover, moving around the world is an immensely enriching experience, through which I can have a glimpse of diverse cultures and enjoy exotically spectacular scenery out there. When I was in Germany, I was deeply fascinated by not only Gothic architectures and religion art but also palatable smoked pork and tasty beer. What a wonderful memory!


20111020CN S2

Some students prefer to go to universities or colleges in their own cities or towns. Others prefer to go to universities or colleges in new cities or towns. Which do you prefer and why? Include details and examples in your explanation.

20130308NA S2

Some people choose to go to school which is close to home so they can keep their old friends. However, other people like to study far away from home so they can make new friends. Which do you prefer and why?

20130622NA S2

Do you prefer a job with a lot of business travels or without business travels?

20130302NA S1

Which of the following activities is more likely to make you happy? 1. Gathering with friends 2. Studying alone 3.Travelling. Please include details in your explanation.

20130125NA S2

Which kind of job do you prefer: a job with a high salary but a lot of business trips, or a job with a low salary but no business trips?

20140323CN S1

Talk about one activity that you will so in the near future. Explain why you want to do this activity.(travelling)

20140511CN S1

Describe an activity you enjoyed when you still were a child.(travelling)

20131122NA S1

Talk about what you like to do during your spare time. Give specific reasons and details in your explanation. (travelling)

20090307CN S1

Describe your favorite way to relax. Please include specific details in your explanation. (travelling)


去年暑假在Yale的Old Campus里长椅上晒太阳,坐在我身边,有一位美国老奶奶和我开始了这样的对话:

Nanny: Kid, you're not a native, right?
Me: No. Why?
Nanny: I wonder why you learn English.
Me: Well...language and culture are two sides of the same coin. Discovering a new culture is an immensely enriching experience intricately tied to the knowledge of a foreign language. You know, I've been fascinated with Americana since I was a child. So maybe it's a good idea to learn the language a little bit. Don't you think?
Nanny: That's good and I'm impressed with your English, it's……excellent, I've got to say.
Me: Yours, too.


嗯,就是这么酸爽。说到这种背段子的方法,我就要感谢一下 勋哥了,详情关注勋哥公众号:cmu_doers

自己写段子怎么保证语言质量呢?这时我们就要借助Google了,还是上面的travelling话题,我们在google里搜pros and cons pf travelling:

满眼都是语料有没有,还都是native speaker写的,,麻麻再也不用担心我的chinglish了!我们点开第一个屌屌的链接:满眼都是语料有没有,还都是native speaker写的,,麻麻再也不用担心我的chinglish了!我们点开第一个屌屌的链接:

随便挑两三个理由都可以写个内容充实的段子了吧~而且作为口语段子也不必太担心native speaker博客里不是那么正式的表达。所以,随便挑两三个理由都可以写个内容充实的段子了吧~而且作为口语段子也不必太担心native speaker博客里不是那么正式的表达。所以,准备提高口语就从段子开始吧~   4/4   首页 上一页 2 3 4

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