nintendo switch评价 如何评价任天堂新主机 Nintendo Switch?



宣传片很直观的向核心玩家层展现了Nintendo Switch如下的设计理念:
1. 真正意义上的play everywhere。
2. 高度模块化的机体设计,能够以多种方式组合实现高适应性和可扩展性。
3. 鼓励聚会游戏,重视玩家在游戏过程中面对面的情感和语言交流。
4. 官方对电子竞技比赛的支持态度。
5. 任天堂本社的一线作品,包括塞尔达传说、马里奥正统新作、马里奥赛车、多人FPS新贵喷射美少女、任天堂明星大乱斗等作品,都会陆续登陆新的机器,因此不太可能再次重现WIIU发售后的作品空窗期。

1. 传统的电子游戏的印象不仅是阴暗的、封闭的,它也同样可以拥有阳光明快的形象。
2. 外出游玩携带专用的的游戏设备,并不是一种nerd的代表而是一种fashionable的表现。
3. 传统的电子游戏,同样能够具备较好的社交性,能够充当人与人之间沟通和释放压力的桥梁。

IGN上就本次nintendo switch的发布,对一些公布名单中的第三方开发者进行了访谈和询问。国内的一些微博上也转载了其中的一些消息,但往往没有附上原文,这里就附上原文,同时对其中一些给以简短的评价。


“With the Nintendo Switch’s unique capacities and design, Nintendo could again redefine the way we play games. The Nintendo Switch is accessible at its core and also seizes on the growing trends of sharing more experiences and playing anywhere at any time. Ubisoft and Nintendo enjoy a long-standing partnership and we are currently developing a number of games for the platform, including Just Dance 2017. We look forward to sharing more at a later date.” - Yves Guillemot, Co-founder and CEO, Ubisoft

从育碧这次的回应的语气上看,育碧的开发者对于nintendo switch理念给以了较高的认同,并对这一新主机的前景报以乐观的期望。同时,在育碧透露的开发作品中,包含了Just Dance2017这个游戏,这表明Nintendo Switch同样保留了对体感游戏的支持(虽然在官方的宣传和声明中没有给以对应的描述),但这种体感游戏的支持是否需要额外的扩展配件则不得而知。


“We’re happy to have had the opportunity to collaborate with Nintendo on the trailer. While we are not confirming any specific titles at this time, we are pleased to announce our partnership with Nintendo and support of Nintendo Switch. We look forward to revealing specific details at a later date.” - 2K representative


“We’re happy to have had the opportunity to collaborate with Nintendo on the video. While we are not confirming any specific titles at this time, we are pleased to announce our partnership with Nintendo and support of the Switch. We look forward to revealing specific games and details in the future.” - Bethesda representative

2K和Bethesda放一起说。这俩回复简直是官方示例如何模棱两可的踢皮球回答问题……还有你们俩的发言也太相似了吧?真的不是复制粘贴然后改了几个词就完了?从这种态度来看,尽管在开发者名单中有这两家第三方,但这两者对nintendo switch的态度应该还是很谨慎的,他们更加希望在他人试水后再决定是否要认真投入到该家用机的开发之中。


"Thrilled to partner with Nintendo to provide Unity devs an exciting new target platform!" - Unity on

Epic Games

"We're thrilled to partner with Nintendo to help Unreal Engine 4 developers bring their games to Nintendo Switch!" - Epic Games on

Epic Games公布的信息很有意思,两者之间的合作主要集中在虚幻4引擎游戏的移植或发布上。这表明Nintendo Switch在硬件上能够在一定程度上支持虚幻4引擎的,但可能是对硬件特化的特供版虚幻4引擎。

nintendo switch评价 如何评价任天堂新主机 Nintendo Switch?



"Congratulations to our partners at Nintendo on their reveal of Nintendo Switch – it’s great to see the excitement for their new device." - EA representative

NIS America

“We are very excited about the possibilities that the Nintendo Switch brings to the gaming space. However, we don't have anything to announce about already-existing titles or content that may currently be in development for it at this time.” - NIS America representative

Square Enix

"We are excited to see the announcement of the Nintendo Switch. We are more than happy to support the promising game system and enhance our ongoing partnership with Nintendo. We look forward to sharing more about our commitment to Nintendo Switch in the near future." - Square Enix representative


"While we cannot confirm any specific series today, we can share our excitement to soon be bringing our projects to Nintendo Switch. Our dedication to creating emotionally engaging interactive stories that are identical for players using home consoles or on mobile/tablet devices on the go is a perfect fit for Nintendo's innovative new hardware." - Job J Stauffer, Head of Creative Communications, Telltale Games

Warner Bros.

"Nintendo continually innovates to develop unique technology for gamers, and we are excited to expand our long-standing relationship by creating games for the Nintendo Switch." - WB representative

没什么太多内容的五家开发商,从措辞上看他们对任天堂本次新机还是报以乐观的态度的,但透露的信息很有限。比较让我意外的是SE这次没有拿之前公布的DQ11 NS版说事……另外Telltale games加入NS阵营也是让我没有想到的,毕竟这家公司自从2010年后已经有6年没有与NINTENDO展开相关的合作了……所以我们大概能在NS上看到一些新的美剧改编游戏?


"We’re excited to be supporting the Nintendo Switch and believe the games we publish are a perfect fit for the portable nature of the console." - Atlus representative



"SEGA and Nintendo have been great partners over the years, and we continue to with our support of the Nintendo Switch. We look forward to revealing specific game plans soon, but have nothing further to announce at this time." - SEGA representative

Bandai Namco

"Bandai Namco Entertainment has enjoyed a long partnership of publishing and developing great titles for Nintendo systems. We want to congratulate Nintendo on their exciting announcement. We look forward to bringing both iconic franchises and new titles to Nintendo Switch." - Bandai Namco representative

这俩单独列出来不为别的什么……就这俩公司历史上和任天堂的恩恩怨怨,读他们的发言里的第一句怎么就这么别扭呢……   3/4   首页 上一页 1 2 3 4 下一页 尾页

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