科伦坡不可错过的景点 贵州有哪些不可错过的景点?为什么?

说起来,不可错过的景点可以分为【官方版本】和【野路子】两条路线, ʅ(‾◡◝) 这就来简单介绍下 贵州四大国家5A级景区 和 四大古镇 。含翻译,洋人也可以凑合着看哟ヾ(o◕∀◕)ノ


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文:贵阳小数据 | 微信公号:allguiyang


As of September 2016, national 5 a-class tourist scenic area in guizhou province has a total of four. They are respectively:


The Huangguoshu Waterfall


Huangguoshu waterfall is located in Anshun where is about 100 kilometers from the provincial capital guiyang, and you can use public transport (plane, train, high iron or car) or drive to.


The scenic area is famous for its magnificent beautiful natural landscape, such as the waterfall, natural bridge, and so on. It has Won high praise by tourists at home and abroad. Tour season from June to October is the best.


The Loong Palace


The Loong Palace located in southwestern about 116 km from guiyang, next to the huangguoshu scenic area. It has perfect mature tourist facilities and a strong reception conditions.


In Loong Palace, the underground river water-eroded cave is amazing, and dry cave, canyon, waterfalls, hoodoo, cliffs and river, the stone forest and so on.The best tourist season in March - April or may to October.


The Baili Azalea


The Baili Azalea lies in the northwest of Guiyang,about 130 km from guiyang.It is the world's only azalea national forest park.


The Baili Azalea,The planet's largest original azalea forest distribution,has more than 60 varieties,which is more than 50 kilometers, with a total area of 125.8 square kilometers.Every spring, when the azalea blossoms,it is more intoxicating.


Libo Zhangjiang


Libo Zhangjiang Located in the southeast of guiyang,about 200 km from guiyang.The scenic area is mainly divided into Seven Small Holes, Seven Large Holes, Shuichun River Canyon and ZhangJiang Sight, and the Seven Small Holes is the most beautiful area.


There has Mountain, water, hole, forest, lakes, waterfalls, dangerous shoals, rapids at an organic whole, and you can enjoy the typical karst scenery's beauty.



In addition to the beautiful natural scenery, in guizhou, there are four ancient town , which is full of cultural charm, to visit:


Zhenyuan Town


The town is located in North-East of Guiyang, about 200 km from Guiyang. Near the Wuyang River, surrounded by mountains. The buildings, traditional dwellings, and port had a huge number. It is an integration of mountain, water and city, which is also a long history and distinctive ancient town.


Qingyan Town


Qingyan town is located in the south of guiyang city suburb,and it is very convenient to go. In recent years, new building tourist facilities, has making the Tourism experience gradually inhance.There is exquisite Designed during the Ming and qing dynasties ancient town,and along the historical sense of ancient road tour, you can enjoy various religious buildings compatibility co-exist. moreover, there are hot delicious, bazaar to linger.


Bing‘an Town


The town is located in the north of guiyang city, about 300 kilometers from Guiyang. It famous for the Sichuan salt into Guizhou station and commodity distribution center since ancient times , known by experts and scholars as "building and living fossil of the history of Ming and qing dynasties" . The main attractions are Moya Carved Stone, ancient village gate, Shuanglong bridge, etc.


Longli Town


Longli town ,an ancient military castle of more than 600 years history, is located in the east of guiyang about more than 300 km.These are distinctive Ming and qing dynasties buildings and streets, houses which has a long history and been intact protected. The cultural heritage of Playing Hualian dragon, singing the Han dramatic and acting Ying stories are known as the "three treasures" of the ancient town.




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